Press Release

12 Reasons United Sikhs deserves your support

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UNITED SIKHS began in 1999 when a group of Sikhs from the New York metropolitan area banded together to assist in the socio-economic development of the local immigrant communities. The organization today has come a long way and has taken up a global outlook after spreading its wings across the globe with 11 chapters globally in America, Asia and Europe with a common objective of pursuing projects in the area of spiritual, social and economic empowerment of the underprivileged and minority communities.

PLEASE make your year end donation now by visiting www.unitedsikhs.org/donate

As we count on you for your support and thank all of you for your help in the past, here are a few highlights of our work in 2011. For more detailed information on the projects undertaken, please visit www.unitedsikhs.org.













We believe we are doing our best to help make a difference globally, do you? If yes, then please make your year end tax deductible donation today and pass this message to all your contacts.

We believe in ourselves because We know You believe in Us!!! Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Issued by:
Kuldip Singh
1-646-688-3525/ 1-866-243-1690


A look inside UNITED SIKHS-


UNITED SIKHS serves in the fields of:

Sikh-Aid:The Sikh Aid team provides non-partisan global humanitarian disaster relief services, which not only provide immediate aid but also rehabilitation help to the needy.

International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA): Standing up for and helping protect  the civil and human rights of minorities and marginalized groups in the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Community Empowerment and Education Division (CEED): Empowering individuals and groups to attain their full potential and become active participants in society through Education, Training and Community development projects. They take their place in the decision-making processes in their local community as well as in the international arena.

Do You Have What it Takes?
View Our Volunteers Video Diary

Contact us to Donate or Volunteer!

Our Mission

To transform underprivileged and minority communities and individuals into informed and vibrant members of society through civic, educational and personal development programs, by fostering active participation in social and economic activity.

UNITED SIKHS is also an avenue for networking between like-minded organisations to establish and nurture meaningful projects and dialogues – whether social, cultural or political- to promote harmony, understanding and reciprocity in our villages, towns and cities.

UNITED SIKHS is a coalition of organisations and individuals, who share a common vision based on the belief that there is no greater endeavour than to serve, empower and uplift fellow beings. The core of our philosophy is an unwavering commitment to civic service and social progress on behalf of the common good.

Accordingly, UNITED SIKHS has sought to fulfil its mission not only by informing, educating and uplifting fellow beings but also by participating in cross-cultural and political exchanges to ensure that the promises and benefits of democracy are realized by all.

We at UNITED SIKHS believe that the development of enlightened and progressive societies can be made possible by socially conscious groups of people who make a commitment to develop and direct human potential. Our work, efforts and achievements stand as a testament to our faith in this vision.

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