Press Release Sikh AID

Fifth Relief Shipment received at Campbell Bay Camps

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Campbell Bay, Indian Ocean—A shipment of 72 boxes (2 tons), 7 large bundles and 10 containers reached Campbell bay yesterday. The ship was routed through Port Blair. Harbhajan Singh, a New Delhi-based team member of the UNITED SIKHS GHANAIA Tsunami project who loaded the shipment in Chennai said 35 boxes out of 72 were shipped from Washington DC, USA. These boxes were ‘stuck’ with the customs office at the Chennai International Airport warehouse. It took 3 weeks to convince the officers and obtain clearance. He added, “It appeared as if a battle has been won”. Custom officers opened the boxes randomly to verify the contents. The team had to go through a lot of paper work at the customs office.
Details of contents of Shipment:

  • Cerelac Milk (Baby Food) – 10 Boxes
  • Milk Powder Nestle – 31 Boxes
  • Medicines and water purification tablets – 5 Boxes
  • Utensils for cooking
  • Pickle (Achaar) – 10 containers
  • Cloths, woolen garments (shawl), and Towels
  • Shoes
  • Turbans and Kakkars
  • Colgate tooth paste and Tooth Brushes- 10 boxes
  • Dettol Soap – 200 pieces
  • Sound Speakers for Gurudwara
  • Buckets and Mugs
  • Tool Box Kit
  • Mosquito repellent – 1 Box

Photograph 1. Harbhajan Singh, loading shipment at Chennai.

“It was an all day project to get the shipping permission (free shipping following a directive from the Lt Governor at Port Blair) and we just made it on time”, said Judge Singh Brar after loading the shipment in Port Blair for Campbell Bay.

Photograph 2. Truck loaded with food supplies for Campbell.

Campbell Bay has only 3 tons of wheat flour (Atta), and Dahl left in stock. This will not be enough for people in camps during the monsoon season. UNITED SIKHS will be sending 8 tons of wheat flour and dahl to the island. Food from earlier shipments was distributed to Army/Airforce Camps.
There is another shipment on the way to Campbell Bay consisting of 5 tons of food supplies sent from Dallas, Texas USA. This shipment will reach in another one week.
Please contact Kuldip Singh at kuldip.singh@unitedsikhs.com if you would like to help.

Please donate, even if you cannot give a lot. Your contribution will help victims directly.

You may donate online by clicking above, or by cheque payable to UNITED SIKHS, and mail to a UNITED SIKHS regional office.

For more information on the GHANAIA tsunami project, e-mail us on:

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