Press Release Sikh AID

UNITED SIKHS Katrina Relief Team Continues to Need Your Support

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New York—UNITED SIKHS would like to thank you – the volunteers, individual donors, Gurdwara sangat (congregation of the Sikh place of worship) and management committees, for your spontaneous and generous support for the UNITED SIKHS GHANAIA Katrina Relief project. In particular, we would like to thank you for your faith in our work which gave the Sikh community an opportunity to practise the principle of sarbat da bhella – service for all, regardless of race, caste, creed, religion or sexuality.
Please visit our website at www.unitedsikhs.org/katrina/ for updates on our work and read the testimonials we have received from the shelters at which we served. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has acknowledged our work in their reports. With your support the Sikh community has earned its place in the heart of the United States of America.
 UNITED SIKHS GHANAIA Katrina project accounts to date (PDF: 38.4 KB).
Our relief work needs to continue in earnest, in particular to provide relief assistance to the displacement caused by hurricane Rita. We have been requested to provide medical and health assistance to displaced families, many of whom are not covered by health insurance. We are in the process of compiling a database on the resettlement of evacuees, including the Sikh families. We call upon Gurdwaras and individuals who wish to donate to send us a check payable to UNITED SIKHS to our mailing address at 28 Vesey Street, #2133, New York, NY 10007.
We would like to clarify that UNITED SIKHS has not received any money from the World Sikh Council.

Katrina Hurricane Relief Links

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