Press Release Sikh AID

UNITED SIKHS Responds to Indonesia Earthquake

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New York, USA – The UNITED SIKHS emergency response team will arrive in Indonesia tomorrow to provide relief material to survivors of the earthquake which struck the island of Java, Indonesia killing over 4500 people and leaving thousands more injured and homeless. The earthquake with a 6.2 magnitude hit Bantul and the historic city of Yogyakarta , at 5.54 am local time on Saturday. The death toll and number of injured are expected to rise. Many people are still believed trapped under debris. A series of aftershocks have made people fearful.

Yogyakarta, site of Indonesian Earthquake
UNITED SIKHS has allocated initial funds to get its emergency relief effort underway, and is appealing for medical and general volunteers. “UNITED SIKHS volunteers, Vikram Singh and Kiran Kaur, will work with local partners to provide emergency material and assess the need for commissioning medical and general volunteer teams,” says Jagdev Singh, UNITED SIKHS’ International Bureau Chief for Emergency Response.
“As the airport in Yogyakarta is closed due to damage, our volunteers will fly to Surabaya and travel five hours by road to the affected areas. Our relief efforts will expand in a few days after the first team establish a base camp close to the affected area,” he added.
How you can help: Join the Volunteer teams at https://unitedsikhs.org/short_form/join.php
or call a UNITED SIKHS office nearest to you. See details at https://unitedsikhs.org/contact.htm
UNITED SIKHS was involved in humanitarian relief work in the immediate aftermath of the Asian Tsunami, Katrina hurricane and South Asian Earthquake last year.
To read a previous Press Release on UNITED SIKHS’ humanitarian relief work please see: https://www.unitedsikhs.org/PressReleases/COMVCE-10-05-2006-00.htm

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