Press Release Sikh AID

Haiti Earthquake Survivors Get Hot Meals As UNITED SIKHS AID Start Serving Langgar

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Port-au-Prince, Haiti :  UNITED SIKHS’ second volunteer team arrived at Port-au-Prince yesterday and started serving langgar (the Sikh tradition of serving hot meals cooked in a community kitchen) to survivors of the earthquake. Harcharan Singh and Amritpaul Singh, both from Brampton, Canada, arrived earlier this week  to join the ongoing  relief efforts in Haiti. The volunteers purchased food, water and supplies in two 20 feet trucks before heading to the UNITED SIKHS AID camp in Haiti. Despite the immensely difficult travel, the volunteers did not rest until they had prepared and served hot meals to about 500 survivors. Click here for Haiti Relief gallery.

Volunteers setting tent in Port-au-Prince

Harcharan Singh preparing Food

Amritpaul Singh Cooking Meals

“We were tired after spending 30 hours on the road, but did not want to rest until we had cooked and served our first hot meals to earthquake survivors” said Harcharan Singh, UNITED SIKHS AID Langgar in-charge.  “My family and Sikh community have supported me to come and serve here. I am happy that I was able to live up to my faith and expectations.”  He added.
“After seeing the magnitude of disaster I forgot all my pain.  Here, everyone needs help. Countless survivors with serious injuries are hungry and waiting for food. I could not think of anything else but to cook hot meals and serve them,” said Amritpaul Singh, UNITED SIKHS Aid volunteer.
“We believe it’s a clear sign of progress when we see the quantity of supplies that relief agencies are pouring in. I am thankful to UNITED SIKHS for serving hot-meals to our people. It is a noble cause,” said a member of the interior ministry of Haiti in a meeting with Lt Col Gurbachan Singh.  Earlier this week, the United Nations appealed to NGOs on the ground for immediate medical supplies. Please click here for a detailed medical supply list; our medical team will be transporting the supplies we are able to collect.

UNITED SIKHS base camp in Port-au-Prince

Volunteers cooking hot meals

Earthquake Survivors waiting in Line for Hot meals

UNITED SIKHS Aid team with UN armed forces in Port-au-Prince

Recovery would be faster if there were more ways to get aid into the country, including the reopening of the city’s seaport.  However, UNITED SIKHS is sending food and emergency supplies from Miami using all possible means of air and sea routes, in addition to ground transport from other regions.
Four more volunteers of UNITED SIKHS AID team are flying in for the relief effort today. Our second medical team will also reach there soon to provide additional medical assistance.
We thank all donors, individuals, Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship), and volunteers who have been supporting us on the relief effort.
Your donation of any amount could help save lives by providing food, water, temporary shelter, medical services and emotional support to people in need.

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