Press Release Sikh AID

Relief Team recover Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s saroop from Flooded Gurdwara!

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Current Situation in Kelantan


Team Inside the Flooded Gurdwara


Team Retrieves Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Air Lifts to Safe Location


Arrival of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Sewa of Gutkas angh-by-angh

Malaysia, 31st December 2014 – The disastrous flooding in Malaysia has caused havoc amongst the lives of many across the country, in particular the state of Kelantan where the Kula Krai Gurdwara was submerged under more than 50ft of water, leaving Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s Saroop drenched in muddy water.
With the help of the UNITED SIKHS Kelantan Flood Relief team the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (the eternal Sikh Guru) Ji was salvaged and airlifted by the UNITED SIKHS Baaj of Humanity to the Kg Pandan Wadda Gurdwara, where the sangat and team conducted sewa angh-by-angh. The team fought treacherous, hazardous and nauseating conditions, walking barefooted through muddy residue with broken glass, in order to safeguard the Sri Guru Granth Sahib from further damage.
Humanitarian Aid Coordinator Asia Pacific, Rishiwant Singh said: “ Kuala Krai Gurdwara was inundated completely by 50ft of flood waters, that rose 2ft every hour about a week ago that didn’t allow the caretakers to do much but escape with their lives.
“The Gurdwara had 4 inches of mud on the ground floor. We were barefooted walking in the mud with broken glass strewn around. No matter how much we tried to clean ourselves or the gutkay we were surrounded by mud everywhere. Suddenly the ceiling and the beams came crashing down on us. It was just simply the hand of God that saved us with only minor bruises. We were shocked but we didn’t panic. We just hastened the speed of evacuation.”
Sevadars are still conducting angh-by-angh sewa to prepare Guru Maharaj’s Saroop for agen peth Sewa today.
While recovering the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the team took time to distribute aid to nearby villagers who had not received anything since the disaster hit
Kelantan is one of the worst affected states where more than 80,000 people have been evacuated. The floods have left 10 people dead and more than 160,000 people displaced across the country, without food or shelter.

Kelantan Flood Relief Team Distributing Aid


Approximately, 12,700kg of aid has already been transported to areas these affected areas:Kelantan, Temerloh, and Kuala Krai. The aid was distributed from the Kota Bahru Gurdwara Sahib which is within the flood zone, to families and individuals who are without food and water.
In order for the team to reach these disastrous and hazardous areas, the relief team has been lent a helicopter by one of our long-term and generous supporters,Captian Bagawan Singh. This is the first time in UNITED SIKHS’ humanitarian aid history that the team has been able to obtain a helicopter to deliver aid to disaster victims. Captain Bagawan Singh will be assisting the relief team with their delivery efforts.

Your Donations Will Allow us To Obtain The Following:
Child Milk
Toilet Paper
Energy Bars
Sanitary Pads
Wet Wipes
Bottled Milk
Instant Noodles
Carton Drinks

With YOUR help we can bring back a sense of normality, sustainability, and community within Malaysia. We ask supporters for donations in order to provide essential items that many people are without. Our global humanitarian aid effort needs your HELP to assist with delivering food and basic survival items.
We humbly request you, as we end this year today with gratitude and inspiration, to Donate Now and continue to support the global community in 2015. We also urge you to pass this message along to your friends and family to request their support too.

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