Press Release

International Advocacy, Humanitarian Aid and Community Empowerment!

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Dear Supporters,
As we are only a few hours away from entering the New Year, we ask ourselves whether we kept our commitment to you this year? Did we meet our goals for International Advocacy, Humanitarian Aid and Community Empowerment?

With every success in each of our directorates of International Advocacy, Humanitarian Aid and Community Empowerment, we met our promises we made in 2013 to you, only to come up with more challenging goals to meet in 2014.

In 14 years, primarily as a volunteer based organization, UNITED SIKHS strives to keep it’s administrative cost low in the range of 10-15% and ensures that your donation goes directly towards the projects you have contributed towards. We could not have done it without you and cannot do it without you, thus as we approach the new year, we humbly request you to contribute towards our 2014 goals.

The goals we met in 2013:-


  1. Sikhs Win Third Turban Case at the United Nations against France
  2. UNITED SIKHS 5th Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Conference , France
  3. Media Company Apologizes for Offensive Article , Australia
  4. Potential Turban Removal Bill Intercepted , Australia
  5. Sikhi Awareness Training for Western Australian Police
  6. Kakaars in Schools – UNITED SIKHS Australia successfully advocated for a newly initiated Sikh boy to be allowed to wear all his Kakaars at his primary school.
  7. First Sikh American Offers Prayers at the 67th United Nations General Assembly Opening Session-Click here to see the prayer.
  8. Courtroom Victory in Pike County, Mississippi, USA
  9. Courtroom Victory in Michigan, USA
  10. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS Workshop in Seattle, Washington , USA
  11. Young Sikh Leaders Workshop (YSLW), Washington, USA
  12. UNITED SIKHS’ 5th Annual Sikh Summit took place in Washington DC from October 22-24, 2013
  13. Sikh Couple thrown out of AMC cinemas- An initiated Sikh couple who were thrown out of AMC cinemas in California for wearing their kirpans were provided with legal representation.
  14. Sikh children not allowed to ride Go-Karts – Four Sikhs of a family, which included three brothers aged 11, 15 and 16, and their 28 year old cousin were given an ultimatum by employees of a local amusement park to either remove their patkas, or not ride the go-karts. UNITED SIKHS are currently still actively pursuing this matter.
  15. Sikh Gurus’ Portraits Removed from Los Angeles Bar. UNITED SIKHS assisted with getting a Bar to remove portraits of the Sikh Gurus on the Bar’s walls.
  16. Launch of Washington, USA branch
  17. First Canadian Sikh Summit
  18. Sikh Students Can Once Again Wear Their Turbans to an Indian Catholic School



  1. Typhoon Haiyan/Philippines Aid
  2. Rehabilitated 42 Displaced Families of Khyber Agency, Pakistan
  3. Mother Child Clinic, India
  4. Tornado Relief in Oklahoma, USA
  5. Relief Efforts in Joshimath, India
  6. Guru Nanak Food Pantry located in California, USA
  7. Distributed Thousands of Hot Meals Through our Global Feed the Hungry Program
  8. Continued supporting 50 Panjabi farmer suicide widows who receive their monthly pension under a Rescue A Family pension scheme, whilst thousands more wait for your support.
  9. Cooked 200 Daily Hot Meals for Children in Haiti at the UNITED SIKHS Canteen


Community Education and Empowerment:-

  1. The UNITED SIKHS Help Desk in Southall, England
  2. Supporting ___ underprivileged children by providing them the gift of education under our STARAE project, India
  3. Ongoing Affordable Care Act Outreach and Enrollment, USA
  4. Oral Health Promotion Project, USA
  5. Diabetes education done through Project RICE:(Reaching Immigrants through Community Empowerment)
  6. Improving health with Project HEAL (Healthy Eating and Active Living)
  7. National Family Resource Center and hotline, UMEED in USA
  8. Educare Centers where after school homework help, exam prep, leadership training and workshops are conducted.


We hope with your continued support we surpass meeting our 2014 goals. Please make your last tax deductible donation for 2013.

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