Press Release

UNITED SIKHS Provides Guidance as Millions Flee New Orleans before Hurricane Gustav makes Landfall

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New Orleans – As a million people fled from New Orleans yesterday, UNITED SIKHS urges those in the potentially affected areas to make preparations now instead of waiting to see where the storm will hit.

Even if Hurricane Gustav, which is expected to be a category 5 storm, does not make a landfall where you live, it is normal for approaching storms to stir up difficult feelings and thoughts, especially for residents in the Gulf Coast Region who may still feel vulnerable after being devastated by storms like hurricanes Rita and Katrina in recent years.

“Being prepared in advance can greatly reduce stress and anxiety as well as protect lives and property,” said Kuldip Singh, Director of UNITED SIKHS Humanitarian Relief Services, who headed the relief operations for Hurricane Katrina and Rita three years ago.

New Orleans Mayor, Ray Nagin, gave the mandatory evacuation order yesterday, calling Gustav the ‘mother of all storms’. All day residents joined a traffic crawl away from New Orleans, still reeling three years after Hurricane Katrina flooded most of the city and killed about 1,500 across the region.

The evacuation of New Orleans becomes mandatory at 8 a.m. today along the west bank of the Mississippi River and at noon on the east bank. Nagin told residents to “get out of town. This is not the one to play with.”

“For everyone thinking they can ride this storm out, I have news for you: That will be one of the biggest mistakes you can make in your life.”

In order to prepare, Gulf Coasts residents are encouraged to:

–Stay informed by listening to their local news, stations

–Prepare an evacuation plan of where you and your family will go if you evacuate

–Assemble a disaster supplies kit, including food, water, essential medication and a flashlight.

Please click here to see the “Preparing for a hurricane” flyer. You can also download the flyer from our site at https://unitedsikhs.org/dloads.php

While preparing yourself and your family for a pending hurricane can help to relieve stress, there are several other ways to help cope with stress such as:

–Ask friends, family and loved ones if they need help with getting prepared

— Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. This means eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water. Taking care of loved ones is a good way to relieve your own stress

–If you are feeling overwhelmed, ask for help.

UNITED SIKHS counselors from across the country have already been alerted to provide emotional support, psycho-educational information, crisis intervention and referral services to community members before, during and after the storm.

Residents who need immediate emotional support may call the National Life Line at 1-800-273-8255

The people of the Gulf Coast will need your support in the coming days. You can help by calling UNITED SIKHS on 1-888-243-1690.

You may read about UNITED SIKHS’ efforts for Hurricane Katrina and Rita at https://unitedsikhs.org/katrina/


Gurvinder Singh
Email: gurvinder.singh@unitediskhs.org

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