Press Release

UNITED SIKHS Defends Sikh Students Suspended for Wearing a Kirpan

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UNITED SIKHS Defends Sikh Students Suspended for Wearing a Kirpan

QueensNew York–UNITED SIKHS is investigating a case of two Sikh schoolchildren who were suspended for wearing a Kirpan, a Sikh article of faith. Amrinder Singh and Harpreet Singh, both aged 14, who have been attending Richmond Hill High School were suspended for wearing a Kirpan. Both students had worn the Kirpan since the beginning the school year and Amrinder Singh had shown it to several teachers and security staff without objection.

Amrinder Singh left and Harpreet Singh right.

When Amrinder Singh joined the track team he asked the coach if the Kirpan might be a problem. Amrinder Singh was then taken to the principal’s office where his cousin Harpreet Singh too had been summoned for wearing a Kirpan to school. The students were given a notice of suspension by the superintendent of the district and summoned to a hearing. UNITED SIKHS obtained legal representation for the two students through the Legal Aid Society of New York. Subsequently, a hearing was held on December 22, 2005 where Kuldip Singh and Tejinder Singh from UNITED SIKHS represented the two students. Currently, the decision of the hearing is pending, but the schoolchildren have been allowed back to school. UNITED SIKHS will report further details as they come to light.

To read a previous Press Release on UNITED SIKHS’ advocacy for a right to wear a Kirpan, click: https://unitedsikhs.org/us-prosecutor-drops-charges-for-wearing-kirpan/

Issued by:
Manwinder Singh
Director, International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy
Toll Free: 1-888-243-1690

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