Press Release

This year, #GivingTuesday matters more than ever

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This year, #GivingTuesday matters more than ever.

Every minute, twenty people are displaced from their homes all over the world. Over half a million of them are Rohingya refugees escaping into Bangladesh.

Life is at a standstill for the thousands of people in North America who have lost their homes because of natural disasters. Over half of Puerto Rico is still without power; hundreds of thousands do not have reliable access to food, water, and health care.

UNITED SIKHS Disaster Relief teams are working tirelessly to bring life-saving supplies and aid to these vulnerable communities across the world – regardless of religion, ethnicity, and geography. Compassion fuels us, and it is universal.

With your gift of support, we can continue to serve humanity and further Guru Gobind Singh ji’s mission: “Recognize The Human Race As One.”

Donate here and help make a difference today.

In Gratitude and Chardi Kala,

“The best law is of Love.
The best Service is labour in Love.
The best Ethics are unselfishness from man to man
and the incessant giving of the self. ”
Prof. Puran Singh

Our Mission

To transform underprivileged and minority communities and individuals into informed and vibrant members of society through civic, educational and personal development programs, by fostering active participation in social and economic activity.
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Community Empowerment and Education Division (CEED)

Empowering individuals and groups to attain their full potential and become active participants in society through Education, Training and Community development projects. They take their place in the decision-making processes in their local community as well as in the international arena.
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International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA)

Standing up for and helping protect the civil and human rights of minorities and marginalized groups in the Americas, Europe and Asia.
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The Sikh Aid team provides non-partisan global humanitarian disaster relief services, which not only provide immediate aid but also rehabilitation help to the needy.
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