Press Release

UNITED SIKHS, Hurricane Irma, and the Road to Recovery

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As the storm waters of Hurricane Irma recede, two weeks after leaving a trail of destruction in Florida, life is resuming and the long path of recovery has begun. UNITED SIKHS continues to support residents during this challenging process, and has adopted several areas in Florida.

One such town is Naples, FL, where the UNITED SIKHS Disaster Relief Team quickly mobilized after Hurricane Irma. Shipping Emergency supplies to those areas most affected by the storm and reaching areas where little to no aid had been received. During this moment, there was no power or running water in many areas. Homes were completely destroyed by toppled trees, extensive flooding and the forceful winds, leaving thousands of Florida residents homeless overnight. Inspired with the spirit of Nishkam Seva, truck-drivers from across the country sacrificed their paychecks and came together.

This road to recovery will not happen overnight. Much more work is needed to continue to provide food and supplies for the rebuilding effort. To DONATE, text IRMA2017 to 71777 via phone or click here to make an online donation with our UNITED SIKHS YouCaring Campaign or donate directly through the UNITED SIKHS website. To volunteer please click here.

Naples, FL: UNITED SIKHS Volunteers led an incredible operation. With their effort and support, we are able to feed 500+ people every day. Our response teams assessed the physical destruction and initiated clean up efforts, removing debris and fallen trees from homes and roads as well.

Delivering supplies at no cost, driving through rough road conditions and often re-routing their shipments to the most affected areas, we are indebted to those individuals. UNITED SIKHS sends our heartfelt thanks to all of the communities and volunteers who have organized to collect donations, load the shipments and coordinate deliveries to our Base Camps. With their persistent support and deliveries, UNITED SIKHS has been able to serve more than 500 meals to displaced residents every day. Now, we are gearing up to provide Avalon Elementary School (in Naples) with much needed classroom supplies, as they reopen for the school year.


Key West, FL: Our volunteers serve meals at Sheriff Rick Ramsay’s office which has been converted into a shelter for evening langar distribution.

At the same time, UNITED SIKHS has been operating a second base camp in the Florida Keys. In these areas, Hurricane Irma toppled power lines, tore up roofs and threatened coastal areas with storm surges as high as 15ft! Near Mile Marker 10 on U.S. Highway 1, the UNITED SIKHS Ground Team started langar distribution for over 300 individuals, including humanitarian aid supplies shipped in from around the country. From delivering supplies to local churches to providing housing supplies for the Key West Police Sergeant’s residence, each day volunteers were connecting with people in the most honest, effective manner they could. View a video here to see how our volunteers are making a difference.

Miami, FL: Shipments of water and supplies arriving late at night at the Sikh Society of Miami Gurdwara Sahib. Sangat members unloaded supplies that evening and drove them down to Key West hours later.

UNITED SIKHS once again extends its heartfelt gratitude to all of those who have supported these efforts and provide immediate assistance. We appreciate the tireless efforts of our brothers and sisters from the 3HO community, who heeded the call to serve so quickly and fearlessly. We would like to especially thank the many Gurdwaras across Florida who mobilized their local sangat to respond to the dire needs of their fellow Americans. Special thanks to the Gurdwara Sikh Sangat of Florida for opening their premises to stock materials and to S. Harbhajan Singh in providing his warehouse to stock the relief supplies in Miami.

This is the time to give back to humanity in the form of shared time, wealth and/or resources. Whether you’re able to give $5 or $5,000 we ask that you consider supporting our disaster response efforts. To DONATE, text IRMA2017 to 71777 via phone or click here to make an online donation with our UNITED SIKHS YouCaring Campaign or donate directly through the UNITED SIKHS website. To volunteer please click here.

Please watch our videos and subscribe to our You Tube channel at UNITEDSIKHSTV and follow us our social media Facebook | Twitter | Blog and see how your contribution is making a difference.

Issued by,
Balwant Singh
Project Coordinator, UNITED SIKHS
E: sikhaid@unitedsikhs.org

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