Press Release


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Atlanta – Georgia, USA: UNITED SIKHS is pleased to announce the launch of project SATL (SIKH AWARENESS THROUGH LIBRARIES) to improve the availability of information on Sikh culture, history and religion via multimedia resources – books, DVDs, CDs and microfilms in public and private libraries including those in schools, universities and other educational institutions, throughout the world.

The objective of the project is to reach out to various demographics through multiple media to provide global access to reliable and complete information on Sikhs.

At present very few libraries carry material on Sikhs and very often the information is highly inadequate, inaccurate or biased. The SATL project will be carried out in two phases. The first phase will involve improving the availability of adequate and authoritative texts in existing libraries. The second phase will involve the setting up of Sikh libraries where there is a significant Sikh population by involving Gurdwaras (Sikh places of worship), Sikh organizations and community centers. 

The SATL project gives every Sikh an opportunity to create an awareness of the Sikh identity in the community in which he/she lives. UNITED SIKHS has prepared a recommended list of ‘must-read’ books and resources and we appeal to every Sikh, wherever he/she may be, to donate books and resources on Sikhs, to their local library, school, university or other education institution. For more details on how to donate books and resources on Sikhs please go to https://www.unitedsikhs.org/sikhlibrary 
UNITED SIKHS will continue to update its database on:

1) Public and private libraries, including those at public and private educational institutions, in the participating regions

2) Volunteers who would take on regional coordination and

3) Organizations which wish to be partners in project SATL
UNITED SIKHS is seeking your participation with project SATL in three different ways:

1. donate books and resources on Sikhs that are on our recommended list, to your local library, school, university or academic institution;

2. Join UNITED SIKHS and become a volunteer to reach out to various libraries to invite them to participate in project SATL by accepting the books and resources on Sikhs;

3. collate information on inadequacies in current material held at libraries and suggest steps to mitigate the harm done by the inaccurate, biased or inadequate material.
The SATL volunteer team will focus on:

1) Identifying participating libraries by publicising project SATL via press releases to local newspapers, radio and television;

2) Procuring the recommended books and resources on Sikh culture, history and religion for the participating libraries;

3) Dispatching material on Sikh culture history and religion to the participating libraries
UNITED SIKHS’ educational experts have compiled lists of appropriate multi-media material that is suitable for targeted demographics. Anyone wishing to add a title to the list is requested to submit details to sikhlibrary@unitedsikhs.org

If you or your organization is interested to be a part of project SATL, please email us at

For more information on the SATL click https://www.unitedsikhs.org/sikhlibrary

Issued by:
Gurmeet Kaur
UNITED SIKHS SATL Global Project Coordinator
1 678.232.6780