Press Release Sikh AID

Mexico Offers Asylum to 141 Afghan Minority Refugees

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First group of refugees departing Delhi International Airport for Abu Dhabi on the way to Mexico City


We are pleased to announce after many months of intense legal advocacy by UNITED SIKHS International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy team, we have secured asylum for 141 preselected Afghan minority refugees displaced by the conflict in Afghanistan.

The government of Mexico has agreed to offer asylum to Afghan minority refugees (Sikhs & Hindus) on humanitarian grounds. A pilot batch of Afghan refugees arrived in Mexico City yesterday. In fact the Mexican Consul in Abu Dhabi at the request of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs came to Dubai Airport to receive them, check on them and ensure everything was seamless before their next step of the long journey to Mexico city.

A Pilot Batch of Afghan Refugees arrives at Mexico City International Airport

Our team of local volunteers and two representatives from the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs were present to receive and facilitate the arrival formalities for the first group of refugees in Mexico City.

This historic event was only possible with the support of our donors, the dedication of our volunteers and the grace of the almighty.

UNITED SIKHS volunteers along with representatives from the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs receive Afghan Refugees at Mexico City International Airport

This historic event was only possible with the support of our donors, the dedication of our volunteers and the grace of the almighty.

We are now consistently and actively working to bring the next group of refugees to Mexico. We need your urgent support to make sure all 141 refugees are resettled safely and securely in Mexico.

Your donations will help with the following critical costs

  • Travel costs approximately $2000/refugee.

  • First 3 months living expenses in Mexico

  • Language & Vocational training

  • 2 Full time Resettlement Liaison officers for supporting new refugees in Mexico.

We know with your support we can undertake this mission to resettle and give these Afghan refugees a chance for a safe and secure future.

We need to raise $500,000 to bring all the 141 Afghan refugees to Mexico in the coming weeks.

Donate at our Afghan Mission page 

Temporary lodging in Mexico City for first group of refugees

We will send regular updates in the coming days and weeks as these refugees take the long awaited journey towards a new future with your generous support.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being part of the UNITED SIKHS team!

Gurvinder Singh

International Humanitarian Aid Director

Recognize the Human Race as One

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