Press Release Sikh AID

UNITED SIKHS Humanitarian Aid Efforts Appreciated at Ukraine

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UNITED SIKHS Humanitarian Aid Efforts Appreciated at Ukraine Fundraiser



‘Friends of Ukraine’ hosted a fundraising event for providing humanitarian aid in Ukraine at New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, NJ. They recognized the humanitarian initiatives of UNITED SIKHS  along with Ukrainian National Women’s League of America (UNWLA) and World Central Kitchens.

Senator Cory Booker, First Lady Tammy Murphy and Port Authority Chairman Kevin O’Toole. U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer, who could not be present, sent a pre-recorded video extending his support.

Spirit of solidarity and resolve to mitigate the pain of the Ukrainian people was conspicuous at the star-studded fundraiser.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere and injustice is happening, people are dying right now, even as we speak,” Senator Cory Booker said. “The only thing that allows evil to triumph is when good people do nothing.”

First Lady Tammy Murphy hoped and prayed that the “terrorism” in Ukraine ends soon, appreciating the work UNITED SIKHS and the other organizations were doing.

Underscoring the need for continuous humanitarian relief support in Ukraine, UNITED SIKHS Humanitarian Aid Director, Gurvinder Singh said the raining missiles and projectiles were killing and injuring people who cannot even clean and cover their wounds. “They don’t even have medications we take for granted, like cough medications, penicillin, antidepressants, bandages,” he said. But UNITED SIKHS volunteers are putting their lives on the line in dangerous places providing humanitarian aid including food, medications to the most vulnerable populations in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Shehyni and other towns. “One of UNITED SIKHS volunteers was even kidnapped and arrested by Russian forces. Another volunteer had a narrow escape – his volunteer vehicle was hit by a projectile, but luckily he had stepped out just moments before, for serving food to people in need.”

Pointing out the atrocities of Russian forces inside Ukraine, UNWLA President Natalie Pawlenko said more needs to be done to support humanitarian aid in Ukraine as people need financial, spiritual, moral support, as Russians continue to perpetrate new crimes leveling cities and towns.

One of the key organizers of the event, Newark-based lawyer Victor Herlinsky said the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has started a humanitarian crisis that calls out to free peoples throughout the world. He plans to travel to Ukraine next month to join UNITED SIKHS in their humanitarian efforts. “Their work has been a personal inspiration to me,” Herlinski said.

The event also saw traditional Ukrainian music performance by Ukrainian Village Voices, a culturally diverse group of folk singers based in New York City.

UNITED SIKHS has been at the forefront in the Ukraine since the Russian invasion began, providing humanitarian aid along the borders and to the most vulnerable people inside Ukraine, serving food, sanitation packages, medications and more.

UNITED SIKHS Humanitarian Aid Gurvinder Singh appealed for support to the vulnerable people in Ukraine reiterating, “Evil triumphs when good men and good women do nothing. Please do not do nothing.”

Not all Heroes wear capes, UNITED SIKHS volunteers have been serving Ukrainians selflessly in the middle of the war. Please support them in saving lives,”said Gurpreet Singh, CEO UNITED SIKHS.


Gurvinder Singh

International Humanitarian Aid Director


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