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New Delhi: A workshop for adults was organized at Gurudwara Singh Sabha, Janak Puri, by Bhai Esher Singh following the success of a 10-day workshop for children on Japji Sahib- An Elixir of life!!! It was commenced with the recitation of Waheguru Simran which created a truly spiritual ambience.

Bhai Esher Singh is welcomed by Daljit Singh while KJ Singh looks on

Bhai Esher Singh introduced the participants to the basic philosophy of Japji Sahib. A great deal of time was spent discussing the Mool Mantra. He spoke on the Shabad Guru as an eternal guide, especially during these turbulent times of kal- age. “A Sikh must attribute everything to the Guru”, he reiterated. “I did not do it; He made me do it. This important aspect of complete surrender, negation of ego is a prerequisite for spiritual progress”, he concluded.
Bhai Esher Singh went into minute details on the grammatical and thematic meanings of Gurbani – difference between Gur, Guru and Sat Guru, thereby explaining the relevance of Panth Guru and Granth Guru. Furthermore, Bhai Esher lovingly elaborated the evolution of Sikh thought through ‘38 pauris’ and the evolution of the same through the
5 ‘Khands’. Bhai Sahib also shared his thoughts on the importance of recitation of Japji Sahib in homes to over 50 Sikh couples present there.
After the enlightening presentation by Bhai Esher Singh, an interactive session was held with the audience which stretched till the afternoon. He cleared numerous doubts on Simran, Nitnem and Sikh Rehat.

Bhai Eshar Singh during his presentation

The entire session concluded with KJ Singh thanking Bhai Esher as well as the 125 strong gathering for making this event educative and successful. UNITED SIKHS is encouraged to hold similar events in the future too. Daljit Singh, Director of UNITED SIKHS honored Bhai Esher Singh and DIG Pratap Singh honored Amarjit Singh, another speaker. Tirath Singh and Col. BS Mann honored two members of the Gurudwara management committee.

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