UNITED SIKHS Initiate Aid After Floods Devastate Peru

On March 16, a devastating natural disaster struck Peru without warning, causing widespread destruction across the country. Powerful landslides demolished over 100,000 homes, washed out more than 100 bridges and rendered roadways unusable. The disaster took a tragic human toll, with over 78 lives lost and 70,000 people losing their livelihoods. In total, more than 640,000 people were affected by the flooding. 

Faced with this overwhelming disaster, the immediate challenge was to provide relief to the victims who were left without necessities like food, water, and shelter. The situation was dire, particularly in the hardest-hit coastal regions and the country’s capital, Lima, where residents experienced severe disruptions, including a lack of running water for days.

UNITED SIKHS quickly dispatched a team of 15 volunteers from their Peru chapter to provide aid to the affected families. These volunteers jumped into action, distributing bottled water, hot meals, and other essential supplies to flood victims, serving up to 150 people per week. Despite their efforts, the need for additional resources became apparent. UNITED SIKHS recognized the urgent need for donations to continue supplying flood victims with essential items such as rice, sugar, milk, water, blankets, and toilet paper. They also identified a need for lamps, as many areas were left without electricity when night fell.

UNITED SIKHS’ swift response provided immediate relief to those in need, helping to stabilize the situation for many affected families. However, ongoing support is still necessary to meet the continued demand for basic supplies. UNITED SIKHS has called for solidarity from its global members, urging them to donate and help sustain these critical relief efforts. By standing together as “one single force,” the organization and its supporters are working to help the people of Peru recover and rebuild their lives.