In Ludhiana, on January 31, 2023, United Sikhs launched a new initiative called ‘Project Kirti,’ inspired by the teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji—’Kirat Karo, Naam Japo, Vand Chhako.’ The project was designed to address the deep-rooted issue of poverty by empowering disadvantaged individuals.
The goal of ‘Project Kirti’ is to promote economic self-reliance among the severely underprivileged. United Sikhs sought to provide tangible, income-generating resources such as electric rickshaws, welding sets, and sewing machines to enable individuals to earn a sustainable livelihood.
The project was officially launched by noted actor and long-time United Sikhs associate, Gurpreet Singh Ghuggi, in Ludhiana’s Dugri Market. During the launch, Ghuggi highlighted the stark inequalities in the world and emphasized the importance of giving people the tools to earn a dignified living. He appealed to the public to support this initiative, stressing that it could transform lives, not just for individuals, but for their families and future generations.
Sukhwinder Singh, United Sikhs Canada Director, reiterated the organization’s commitment to equality, minority rights, and the upliftment of the underprivileged. Parminder Singh, United Sikhs India Director, emphasized that ‘Project Kirti’ aligns with the essential societal value of ‘Kirat’—hard work and diligence.
Project Kirti’ is structured not as a charity, but as a sustainable empowerment program. United Sikhs will make an initial down payment to the bank for the necessary equipment, while the beneficiaries will be responsible for repaying the loan through their earnings. This approach is intended to foster a sense of ownership and encourage beneficiaries to embrace hard work and self-reliance.
UNITED SIKHS Director Amit Singh described ‘Project Kirti’ as a crucial bridge between those in need and those capable of offering support, reinforcing the project’s potential to bring about significant social change.
Case 1: Arshdeep Kaur (name changed), a 23-year-old woman, who had long aspired to become a professional cosmetologist. However, as the daughter of a daily wage laborer, she faced significant financial challenges. Her father’s limited earnings, coupled with the responsibility of supporting two other siblings, one of whom is physically challenged, made it nearly impossible for her to afford the steep course fees. Arshdeep needed financial support to pursue her dream of becoming a professional cosmetologist, but her family’s financial situation posed a significant barrier.
Upon learning about UNITED SIKHS’ Project Kirti, Arshdeep sought their assistance. The organization provided the necessary support to help her pursue her cosmetology course. With support from Project Kirti, Arshdeep is now on her way to achieving her dream of becoming a professional cosmetologist, a goal that once seemed out of reach.
Case 2: Harnam Singh (name changed), a 33-year-old father of two, faced severe hardships during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. He worked for a small private enterprise that closed down during the first wave of the pandemic, leaving him unemployed and financially strained.
With no stable source of income, Harnam needed to find a way to support his family during and after the pandemic. Despite receiving some initial help from UNITED SIKHS, the following years were difficult as he had to work multiple odd jobs to sustain his family.
UNITED SIKHS’ Project Kirti once again stepped in to assist. The organization facilitated a bank loan and made a down payment to help Harnam purchase an e-rickshaw. Through Project Kirti, Harnam now owns an e-rickshaw, which provides him with a steady and reliable source of income, helping him rebuild his life after the financial hardships caused by the pandemic.