A Call to all Sikh Organizations- November is the Sikh Cultural Awareness month

A Call to all Sikh Organizations- November is the Sikh Cultural Awareness month
San Francisco, California: California Legislature has unanimously approved Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 181 (California Sikh American Awareness and Appreciation Month) declaring the month of November as California Sikh American Awareness and Appreciation Month. Introduced on August 2, 2010 by Assembly Member Daniel R. Logue at the request of the Marysville-Yuba City Sikh community, it serves to honor one of the state’s notable and accomplished communities.
UNITED SIKHS thanks the State Superintendent of Public Education Tom Torlakson, who has notified districts about the opportunity to assemble materials to assist in educating all communities about the Sikh faith. UNITED SIKHS is assisting the districts in providing the materials that promote awareness and education about The Sikh faith.
To accomplish the community education UNITED SIKHS team asks the following of you:
1) Urges all organizations to reach out to their state assemblymen, asking them to visit their Gurdwaras and listen to the concerns that Sikhs have. We will be assisting the Gurdwaras with the invites and will present a memorandum that highlights the key issues impacting the Sikhs.
2) A UNITED SIKHS leadership training summit will be held in November for the youth to receive training in Advocacy, Emergency preparedness and Community activism. Please write to sikhleader@unitedsikhs.org if you would like to attend or volunteer for the leadership summit.
3) UNITED SIKHS volunteers will visit schools to talk about bullying and increase awareness of who the Sikhs are. To have a UNITED SIKHS representative visit your school, please write to sikhawareness@unitedsikhs.org. If you intend to visit the school yourself to conduct an awareness training, we request you to attend an “Awareness Training Session†by writing to sikhawarenesstraining@unitedsikhs.org.
The Sikh Gurdwara shooting in Wisconcin shook the Sikh community and shocked the world. In memory of those who lost their lives to this senseless act of hate, let us turn this tragedy into an opportunity to spread the word about “Sikh Identity†and spread the message to stop the hate and spread the love amongst all communities.
You or your organization can Pledge against Hate Crime by joining the “I Pledge Against Hate Crime Campaign “by clicking here .
UNITED SIKHS also asks all Sikhs to practice their faith fearlessly and report any racially biased incidents to them. If you feel you have been a target of a bias based crime/ incident, please report it here
Please continue to support our work by making your tax deductible donation today by clicking here .
To reach the UNITED SIKHS office nearest you, click here.
Issued By:
Manvinder Singh, Director
International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy
Tel: 1-646-688-3525;1-888-243-1690