Press Release Sikh AID

Emergency Kit Distribution Underway in Pakistan to Assist Flood Affected

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  • Emergency kit distribution has commenced in Pakistan, highlighting greater need for resources
  • Sindh and Balochistan are areas identified as among the worst affected by floods according to reports by UN OCHA
  • Concerns are raised about the potential spread of epidemic diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and dysentery among flood-hit populations, particularly children

Nowshehra & Hassan Abdal, Pakistan: Emergency food and non-food item kits have started being distributed to flood-affected families of Pir Sabaq, Gandaree and Dagoona in Resalpure distribution point in Nowshehra City as part of the UNITED SIKHS Pakistan Flood Relief efforts. Additionally, food items were provided for flood victims seeking refuge in Gurdwara Panja Sahib. The emergency relief kits were put together by UNITED SIKHS volunteers with supplies purchased from Peshawar, and distribution began in late August -early September.
Families received kits of food and non-food items intended to last them approximately 2 weeks. The need of those displaced from their homes due to floods is dire, and help has so far been slow in coming. Rafique Khan Momand, Assistant Coordinator(AC) in Nowshehra says, “We are glad that UNITED SIKHS decided to provide these kits to IDPs. They have been waiting for two weeks for some sort of aid, and these kits are essential for them to survive.”
A month after the severe flooding began, rains continue to pour, and more people have had to evacuate to move to safer grounds. The number of people displaced from their homes is steadily rising, and according to reports by United Nations Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA), the number of people directly affected by the flooding has increased to over 21 million. Sindh and Balochistan are areas identified as among the worst affected by floods according to reports by UN OCHA.

Emergency Relief Kits Distribution in Progress
“We truly really appreciate the efforts of UNITED SIKHS in Pakistan. About 80% of Nowshehra was damaged by heavy floods that left a half-million inhabitants homeless. The flood washed away several district villages completely, including Pir Sabaq, Gandaree and Dagoona. It severely damaged Nowshera Kalan, Nawa Kalay, Misri Banda, Akora Khattak, Khat Kalay, Aman Garh, Pir Piai and Khiskhi. It also destroyed 40% of the Nowshera cantonment,” said Ali Anan Qamar, District Coordination Officer (DCO) Nowshera.
Those who have left their homes to seek refuge in Panja Sahib are worried about what is left behind after the floods damaged their property. “We have come from Jacobabad (Sindh) about a month and have been in Pand,  in dire need of food supplies, waiting for help to arrive. The roads of Jacobabad are completely washed away by the massive flooding and we cant go back as flood waters have not receded. Every thing is swept away in flood water. We are homeless, and we don’t now when we will go back,” said Sham Singh sevadar in Jacobabad (Sindh).
Volunteers assembling food and non-food items kits for distribution
Gulab Khan expressed his gratitude on receiving supplies. He said, “This is first time that I have received any kind of supplies, nor have I received any aid from other organization. I’ve been coming here every day for a whole month, but I haven’t had any luck.”
As monsoon floods continue to displace millions in southern Pakistan, concerns are raised about the potential spread of epidemic diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, and dysentery among flood-hit populations. Children are particularly vulnerable to water-borne diseases. Dr. Mohammad Arshad from the District Head Quarter (DHQ) Hospital in Nowshehra told the UNITED SIKHS aid team that the Hospital is completely washed away by massive flood, and that he is worried about the spread of acute respiratory infections, skin diseases and malnutrition spreading in the affected major areas which will be difficult to control.”
UNITED SIKHS continues to provide emergency supplies to those affected by one of the worst humanitarian crises in history. Relief efforts are already underway, but the need is great. We appeal for community members to donate generously to support food and non-food provisions.
We are doing every thing we can, but we need your continued support! Please donate generously; however, no amount is too little.
Your donation will help disaster victims rebuild their lives and their communities. $50 will provide a kit for a family for 2 weeks.
For a previous press release on UNITED SIKHS Pakistan IDP efforts, please visit:
Issued by:
Herdyal Singh
Project Aid Coordinator Pakistan

Click here for video of Pakistan Flood Relief Effots


1) KIT A: Emergency NFI (Non Food Items)
Unit: Per Family
Cost:  $50.00
Lasts: 2 weeks
Contents: First Aid Tool-kit (O.R.S, 10 water purification tablets, bandages, pain-relief tablets), 1 large spoon,  1 stove, 1 jug , 5 plastic plates, 5 glasses,  1 knife,  1 plastic tray, 1 mid-sized cooking pot, match box’s(10), 5 tooth brushes and 1 tube toothpaste (minimum 130ml), 2 small cleaning soaps, 1 bucket, 1  shampoo, 2 new bath towels (medium weight, dark), 2 Hair combs & Baby milk powder.
2) Kit B: Food Items
Unit: Per Family
Cost: $50.00
Lasts: 2 weeks
Contents: Rice (3.5kg), Flour (20kg), Ghee(6kg),Sugar(3.5kg), Spices(1kg), Pulses(3kg), Milk Pack (11 litres),Tea Leaves(1kg), Soap for Clothes(5 kg)

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To transform underprivileged and minority communities and individuals into informed and vibrant members of society through civic, educational and personal development programs, by fostering active participation in social and economic activity.

UNITED SIKHS is also an avenue for networking between like-minded organisations to establish and nurture meaningful projects and dialogues – whether social, cultural or political- to promote harmony, understanding and reciprocity in our villages, towns and cities.

UNITED SIKHS is a coalition of organisations and individuals, who share a common vision based on the belief that there is no greater endeavour than to serve, empower and uplift fellow beings. The core of our philosophy is an unwavering commitment to civic service and social progress on behalf of the common good.

Accordingly, UNITED SIKHS has sought to fulfil its mission not only by informing, educating and uplifting fellow beings but also by participating in cross-cultural and political exchanges to ensure that the promises and benefits of democracy are realized by all.

We at UNITED SIKHS believe that the development of enlightened and progressive societies can be made possible by socially conscious groups of people who make a commitment to develop and direct human potential. Our work, efforts and achievements stand as a testament to our faith in this vision.

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