Farmers Legal Update: SKM Acknowledges UNITED SIKHS Ongoing Critical Legal and Humanitarian Relief Aid

In the wake of the farmers’ protests against the three farm laws passed by the Indian government in September 2020, many farmers and protestors faced legal challenges, including arrests and disappearances. The protests intensified on January 26, 2021, during a demonstration in Delhi, where numerous individuals were arrested or went missing. The farmers and their families were left in a vulnerable position, requiring legal and humanitarian assistance as they navigated a complex judicial system that could stretch for months or years.

UNITED SIKHS was tasked with supporting the farmers by providing legal aid and humanitarian relief to those affected by the protests. This included securing bail for arrested farmers and protestors, advocating on their behalf, and assisting families whose loved ones went missing following the Republi Day protests.

The UNITED SIKHS Legal Team in India, led by Supreme Court Advocates Girdhar Govind and Neetu Singh, played a crucial role in providing legal support. They sought bail for the detained farmers and protestors and filed habeas corpus petitions on behalf of families whose loved ones went missing after the January 26 protests.

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, the legal team worked tirelessly to secure a court order from the Delhi High Court, demanding the police and state officials provide information on the whereabouts of the missing individuals.
Through their relentless efforts, the UNITED SIKHS Legal Team succeeded in obtaining an order from the High Court, requiring the state and police to file a status report on the missing persons within a week. This brought immense relief to the families, who were one step closer to locating their missing loved ones. The dedicated work of UNITED SIKHS’ legal teams and volunteers in India and around the world, supported by the organization’s donors and partners, continues to make a meaningful difference in defending the rights and addressing the needs of farmers.

UNITED SIKHS remains committed to advocating for justice and humanitarian relief, ensuring that the voices of the farmers and their families are heard and that their rights are protected.