Get out and Vote TODAY! #ImSikhIVote

November 4, 2014 – Bullying, Discrimination, Profiling, Sikhs in the Military, Sikhs in the Census – all issues faced by the Sikh American community, can be best combated today, with your civic engagement. The importance of showing up to the polls to vote goes beyond just our civic duty as Sikh Americans, but carries into having a voice in our government’s agenda. Our elected officials prioritize their agenda based on the needs of their voters.
UNITED SIKHS has been vigorously advocating for Sikhs to be allowed to serve in the Military and for Sikhs to be counted in the U.S. Census
( Congressional members and staffers are now becoming aware of our concerns and working with our organization to find ways to improve the relevant systems and policies ( It is more important than ever for the Sikh community to come out and vote so we may be heard and made a priority.
How Do I Vote?
Find out if you are registered to vote here:
Registered voters can look up their closest voting site here: Remember to also bring a form of identification with you.
Post a picture of you with your “I Voted” sticker on Twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #ImSikhIVote and we will repost it on our twitter throughout the day!