Press Release Sikh AID


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Dear Supporter,
What does #Giving mean to you? There are many people that come across in our everyday life that perhaps make our days easier, such as neighbors, co-workers, even mail carriers or the local cashier at the grocery store. While giving does not always have to be a gift, offering a kind word or a friendly smile goes a long way in saying thank you for all you do, and will encourage the chances of a friendly and successful relationship.
As we celebrate the importance of Volunteerism, we reflect as a volunteer based organization on the path our team has chosen to walk, the one shown by our Gurus. The enlightened souls gave us the beautiful concept of seva (selfless service) and sarbat da bhalla (may everyone prosper).
Today looking back at 2017 work, it is a reminder of the countless hours of work done by the team – which has only been made possible by you #Giving your Dasvandh for the well-being of all.
We humbly request you to continue to share your #Dasvandh to support current projects and as we venture into new projects and territories globally, of creating much needed:

  • sikh awareness with law enforcement agencies,
  • securing kids rights to wear turban to schools,
  • combat bullying,
  • fighting the legal justice system to uphold human and civil rights,
  • change policies one state at a time,
  • providing humanitarian relief,
  • feed the hungry,
  • assist in healthcare enrollment,
  • provide scholarships to students and much more.
This can’t happen without your love for giving where it matters. At UNITED SIKHS, we don’t just work on projects, we change lives and make them sustainable with love at its centerfold. We request you to continue supporting our projects by donating

Here is our 2016 annual collections and expenses. For 2017, we are running short with $75,000 and have to reach this goal to meet our budget. Every hour counts. Please open your hearts and donate. US donors can text and donate by texting UNITEDSIKHS to 41444.

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