New Yorkers, you can afford healthcare. Here’s how!

New Yorkers, you can afford healthcare. Here’s how!
New York, NY : In 2016, there were 28.6 million Americans without health insurance. We’ve found that in many cases, New Yorkers don’t sign up for health insurance because they believe it’s unaffordable. Little do they they know, with New York State of Health’s (NYSOH) Essential Plan coverage could be as little as $20 a month for qualifying residents – or in some cases nothing at all.
New Yorkers in search of affordable health
Since its launch in 2013, the NYSOH Marketplace provides affordable coverage to millions of eligible New Yorkers. The newest plan, the Essential Plan, costs much less than other health plans while offering the same essential benefits.
New Yorkers with lower incomes who don’t qualify for Medicaid or Child Health Plus are able to purchase the Essential Plan through NYSOH.
Some other advantages of the Essential Plan are:
- Enrollment for the Essential Plan is open ALL YEAR LONG
- It has NO DEDUCTIBLE, so the plan starts paying for your health care right away
- You get FREE PREVENTIVE CARE like routine doctor exams and screenings to keep you healthy
- The Essential Plan covers all essential benefits, including:
-Doctor visits, including specialists
-Tests ordered by your doctor
-Prescription drugs
-Inpatient and outpatient care at a hospital
More information about the plan and income eligibility is available here.
Need more information or in person assistance? UNITED SIKHS is here to help! Contact us at 718-441-6644 or email us at
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Issued by:
Rucha Kaur
Associate Director,UNITED SIKHS
Community Education & Empowerment Directorate
E: |
*Information compiled from:
Information is provided with support from Access Health NYC, a citywide initiative that enables culturally- and linguistically-competent non-profit community-based organizations (CBOs) in all 5 boroughs to do outreach and public education in their communities about options for health care access and coverage, particularly for the uninsured. The Access Health NYC Initiative, in partnership with the NY City Council, is spearheaded by 5 New York City agencies, the Coalition for Asian American Children and Families, Commission on the Public’s Health System, Community Service Society of NY, Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, and the New York Immigration Coalition.
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