Welcome to Sikh Aid - Global Disaster Relief

A beacon of hope in times of crisis

In both man-made crises and natural disasters, UNITED SIKHS’ mission is resolute: to save lives, alleviate suffering, and restore hope. Guided by Sikh principles such as seva (selfless service) and sarbat da bhala (well-being of all), our volunteer team serves as frontline responders in times of crisis, extending aid to all those in need.

Our commitment extends beyond immediate relief efforts. We recognize the significance of long-term rehabilitation and community empowerment. Hence, we meticulously strategize sustainable solutions, aiming to uplift lives and foster resilience for a brighter future.

In addition to disaster relief, we actively engage in year-round projects aimed at eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development. From supporting education and healthcare to empowering livelihoods and conserving the environment, our goal is to enact lasting positive change.

Join us in creating a healthier, happier world

Press Release

Connect to 500 Year History of Sikhs in Afghanistan

Sikhs have a long history in Afghanistan from the days of Guru...

Double Your Dasvandh (Gift) For Afghan Minorities

Days after a suicide bomb blast killed at least 19 persons, including...

Legal Victory in Release of Innocent Sikhs in Nanded

14th Oct 2021, Nanded, Maharashtra: UNITED SIKHS legal team secured bail...

Update on Legal Funds For Farmers Protest

S. Prem Singh Bhangu, head of the SKM Legal Cell speaks of...

9/11 2Oth Anniversary: Hate Crime Report

16th Sep 2021, New York, NY: It has been 20 years since...

Mission Louisiana: No Food, No Water, No Power

Dear Supporters, Hurricane Ida which made landfall in Louisiana on August 29th...

Help Rebuild Haiti from Non-Stop Disasters

Dear Supporters, As we live in the midst of a global pandemic...


There are no upcoming events. Stay tuned

Hepatitis B Testing

September 15th, 2024

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