Welcome to Sikh Aid - Global Disaster Relief

A beacon of hope in times of crisis

In both man-made crises and natural disasters, UNITED SIKHS’ mission is resolute: to save lives, alleviate suffering, and restore hope. Guided by Sikh principles such as seva (selfless service) and sarbat da bhala (well-being of all), our volunteer team serves as frontline responders in times of crisis, extending aid to all those in need.

Our commitment extends beyond immediate relief efforts. We recognize the significance of long-term rehabilitation and community empowerment. Hence, we meticulously strategize sustainable solutions, aiming to uplift lives and foster resilience for a brighter future.

In addition to disaster relief, we actively engage in year-round projects aimed at eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development. From supporting education and healthcare to empowering livelihoods and conserving the environment, our goal is to enact lasting positive change.

Join us in creating a healthier, happier world

Press Release

Losing Farmers To Suicides

As our humanitarian work continues in India we would like to highlight the work of our mental health teams. One of the occupational hazards of small-scale farming in India has been loans incurred by...

UNITED SIKHS U.K. Helpdesk & Immigration Surgery

The UNITED SIKHS U.K Helpdesk and Immigration Surgery has been established since 2008 at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Park Avenue, Southall and is presently manned by Ms. Narpinder Mann BEM and Mr...


Dated: January 30, 2021New York, NYUNITED SIKHS launches a legal helpline service for the relatives, parents, friends of the protestors who went missing after the January 26th tractor parade in New...

From The Frontlines

UNITED SIKHS is launching its first bi-weekly Newsletter with updates from our ongoing missions around the globe encompassing our Humanitarian, Legal & Empowerment work. There will also be...

Covid Surge | Masks worth $2 Million Distributed

We are approaching staggering and sobering numbers in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Almost 100 million cases worldwide with over 2 million deaths. The United States accounts for almost 25 million...

Volunteer by Day, Mechanical Engineer by Night

My name in Gurmeet Singh. I am part of the UNITED SIKHS family based out of Punjab, India. I would like to start by offering my heartfelt wishes for the New Year. May we solve the challenges of...

Write To Your Member of Congress Ask Them Raise Thier Voice and Support Indian Farmers

 Click Here to Send The LetterDecember 08, 2020 New York Anti-Farm laws were rushed through government without input from farmers. These laws will lead millions of farmers and their families to...


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Feed The Hungry

Thursday, 5th Dec 2024

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