Press Release

Recognize the Human Race as One

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Recognize the Human Race as One

This is the UNITED SIKHS mission: to rise and serve humanity at every opportunity presented. Directly inspired from the words of the 10th Master, we work to promote equality and justice through 1) Service to Humanity and 2) Advocacy for Civil Rights. In every aspect, Guru Gobind Singh is the shining example of how divine-inspired leadership through compassion and faith can uplift the downtrodden and bring Light where darkness takes hold.

On this beautiful Prakash Purab of Guru Gobind Singh, the team here at UNITED SIKHS sends our best wishes to you and our entire human family as we affirm our committed service.

Through our work, UNITED SIKHS has elucidated greater awareness and broader education at the local and federal levels allowing civilians and authorities alike to embrace, observe and promote civil and human rights. UNITED SIKHS remains active to promote diversity and cultural awareness in our local communities as well as fight workplace discrimination of age, colour, race, religion or belief, caste, ethnic or social origin, gender, genetic features, disability, sexual orientation or language. We advance the dialogue by conducting seminars, exhibitions, negotiations, training to educate, assess and then implement policies and civil standards which reflect the Guru’s values of Truth, Compassion and Equality for all.

With this inspiring mission and clear vision, we extend our gratitude for your support and reach out with open arms to join us on this journey towards the upliftment and development of humanity.

To Donate or Volunteer, please visit us at www.unitedsikhs.org. USA donors can donate by texting UNITEDSIKHS to 41444 also.

In Gratitude
Gurvinder Singh

Our Mission

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