Press Release Sikh AID

REMEDY Supplies Much Needed Medical Supplies for Katrina Survivors

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Baton RougeLouisiana: The Mount Sinai Hospital REMEDY project partnered with UNITED SIKHS and provided much needed medical supplies to shelters housing hurricane survivors in Baton Rouge recently. REMEDY stands for “Recovered Medical Equipment for the Developing World”, and the project recovers recyclable medical supplies and equipment from the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, sterilises them and gives the supplies to the developing world or any other situation of need.

UNITED SIKHS volunteers distributed the supplies, that included syringes, IV bags and medical masks, which were handed out to the delight of shelter organizers and evacuees who are still at risk from diseases such as tetanus and those stemming from the pollution left behind by the flood.

Gobind Singh, volunteer with the Mount Sinai REMEDY project said, “We are glad to assist UNITED SIKHS in this endeavour, who are trying to help humanity by providing medical assistance”.

Allen Chapel Evacuee Shelter organizer inspects medical supplies donated by REMEDY

Doctors and medical supplies are much in demand as the health of many has been affected and the evacuees long for a sense of normalcy. Many evacuees flocked to receive the medicines and the UNITED SIKHS volunteers could feel the sense of relief.

UNITED SIKHS and its work at the neighborhood shelters is ongoing. The volunteers are fervently committed to the betterment of the community and have shown that through their actions. Talisha Davis of the Northern Baton Rouge Womens Health Center was “struck with the dedication and commitment shown by the UNITED SIKHS volunteers. They came in ready to work and showed a desire to make an impact and it was reflective in the work done.”

Supplies are still being distributed to the shelters and help has also been given to the various food and supply distribution centers in the region. UNITED SIKHS continues to liase with humanitarian organizations in the region, and continually implements best practice in this critical time of need.

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