Press Release Sikh AID

Save Punjab: Help Us Stop the Drug Epidemic and Save Lives in Punjab!

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  • A 26 bed Drug De-Addiction Hospital is in the process of being set up in Punjab, District Ludhiana, Village Dhamot.
  • The hospital will impact over 15 villages and over 40,000 people directly.
  • The program aims to address and reduce the extensive drug/substance abuse epidemic in Punjab.
  • The rehabilitation program will prevent relapse which will be successful through specific coping strategies and therapeutic approaches. UNITED SIKHS will ensure that past addicts are able to adjust into society and assist them in finding employment. We envision a well-structured, long-lasting and sustainable drug de-addiction program in Punjab.
  • Punjab calls upon us. Its five rivers have been diluted by the onslaught of narcotics. UNITED SIKHS is indebted to all of its supporters, well-wishers and volunteers. We ask that you rise again and lift Punjab out of this quandary.

Punjab, India – The lives in the state of Punjab are slowly being destroyed due to the on-going drug epidemic that is increasing day by day. Did you know that Punjab is in crises mode and that at least 73% of the state’s youth between 16-35 is currently addicted to drugs, declared by Guru Nanak University, Punjab. Recently the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reported that Punjab is the second highest state of drug consumption in the whole of India. Our glorious Punjab, which was known as the land of the Gurus and a state of five rivers, has now become a den of destruction. However, in an attempt to tackle this swarming tide and to help those addicts and reduce their percentage, UNITED SIKHS has generated a fully equipped Drug De-Addiction Hospital in Punjab, District Ludhiana, Village Dhamot.
Drug treatment facilities in Punjab are limited; therefore, the UNITED SIKHS Drug De-Addiction Program aims to provide addicts with a number of adequate drug treatment options, facilities, rehabilitation programs and social and employment opportunities. Drugs such as heroin, smack, opium and hashish are readily and easily available in Punjab. The 26 bed Drug De-Addiction hospital will aim to reduce and stop the use of illegal and deadly drugs. UNITED SIKHS is working on the ground, recommending strategies to help address this problem and facilitate long- term solutions to what has now become a global issue.
However, UNITED SIKHS needs YOUR HELP to save lives in Punjab. The state is literally on the verge of a human crisis and in the midst of a grievous drug problem, and without your assistance this will become a full fledged epidemic. This is the clarion call and Punjab awaits your answer.
Please take the time to donate here:https://www.unitedsikhs.org/donate.php
Your donations are immensely appreciated. Together we can help transform Punjab back to its glorious heritage, together we can take it off life support, Together We Can Save Punjab!

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