Show your Solidarity for the Right to Wear Kirpan in Quebec by Signing This Petition

- Four Canadian Sikhs were refused the right to wear their kirpans at the National Assembly in Quebec. Click here for more information in a previous press release.
- We are calling on the Sikh community to stand strong and show their support by signing this petition for the right to wear kirpan in Quebec
- Act now! Bloc Québécois has called for the ban to extend to Parliament Hill where Sikhs are currently free to wear the kirpan.
Quebec, Canada: Four Canadian Sikhs were refused entry into the National Assembly of Quebec unless they removed their kirpans. UNITED SIKHS is now petitioning for Sikhs to be able to wear their kirpans freely and would like your support. Sign this petition now!
Sikhs are a well-integrated community in Canada that have been continually afforded acceptance and respect for their articles of faith by the larger community. While they remain a religious minority, Quebec itself is a minority within English-speaking Canada. “The kirpan always reminds me to stand for justice and equality. It is this very notion of justice, equality and preserving one’s unique differences that Quebec has historically fought to maintain” pointed out Ranbir Singh, UNITED SIKHS Director in Toronto.
Although the incident at the Quebec Assembly was regrettable and unfortunate, it provides an opportunity for dialogue with the various communities that enrich Quebec and Canada. UNITED SIKHS stands in solidarity with the global Sikh community and the political leaders that have condemned the incident. Sikhs look up to the ordinary citizens of Quebec to stand with them and ensure that a similar event does not occur in the future.
We are calling on Sikhs and the larger community in Quebec to stand strong and show their support by signing this petition for the right to wear kirpan.
Forward the petition to friends and family!
For background information on the incident and current kirpan accommodation laws and policies in Canada, please click here.
To sign the petition now, please click here.
If you would like to print the Petition for collecting signatures from your local community, please click here.
UNITED SIKHS is committed to protecting the rights of Sikhs to practice their faith freely and without hindrance. If you feel your rights have been violated, email
Issued by:
Susan Kaur
Legal Fellow