Sikh Relief Efforts Underway Amid Historic Flooding in Texas

In 2017 August, Hurricane Harvey unleashed unprecedented flooding in Southeastern Texas, leaving thousands of residents stranded and in dire need of emergency assistance. The disaster was so severe that FEMA labeled it a “landmark event,” with meteorologists forecasting historic rainfall totals of up to 50 inches.

UNITED SIKHS was called upon to mobilize immediate disaster relief efforts to support the victims of Hurricane Harvey. The organization recognized the urgent need to provide emergency supplies and resources to those affected by the catastrophic flooding.

UNITED SIKHS swiftly dispatched its staff and volunteers to provide emergency assistance. The organization established a Base Camp at the Sikh National Center in Houston, TX, to coordinate relief efforts. Additionally, UNITED SIKHS collaborated with FEMA and NVOAD to gather essential supplies, including flashlights, portable chargers, clothing, batteries, water, and diapers. To further support the relief efforts, UNITED SIKHS launched an online fundraising campaign, urging people to donate and add “Hurricane Harvey” to their donation notes. The organization also encouraged local community centers and Gurdwaras to collect and ship donated items to assist those in need.

UNITED SIKHS’ prompt response to Hurricane Harvey provided critical support to thousands of affected residents. Through their coordinated efforts, they were able to deliver essential supplies and resources to those impacted by the disaster. Their call to action not only mobilized volunteers and donors but also reinforced the spirit of “Sarbat Da Bhalla Welfare of All” during a time of crisis. The ongoing efforts by UNITED SIKHS have made a significant impact in providing relief to those affected by this life-threatening event.