Thank you for giving them the gift of ‘Kirt’ (Self-Reliance)!

Thank you for giving them the gift of ‘Kirt’ (Self-Reliance)!
As the year draws to a close, we’d like to thank you for being an invaluable supporter. But of all the special things you’ve helped us achieve, there is one that particularly stands out – your precious contribution to Project Kirti.
Launched in January 2023, the program is designed to promote self-reliance by giving economically disadvantaged individuals access to income-generating resources.
Bitter Past, Better Future
Every time you lent your support to the Project, someone was able to embrace the Sikh way of life via kirat – earning a livelihood by the sweat of one’s brow.
Recently in November 2023, the UNITED SIKHS team in Panjab found out about 34-year-old Resham Kaur* (name changed), a mother of two, whose husband had died several months earlier from complications arising out of drug abuse. Unfortunately, he had mortgaged off the only piece of land they owned, a 2-acre farm, forcing Resham to take out a loan from a local moneylender for funding medical procedures related to an ulcer in her stomach. Thanks to you, we paid off the loan to secure the release of her land, saving Resham and her children from a life of destitution.
Likewise, 46-year-old Gurmeet Singh* (name changed), a landless laborer and father of three, lost his right hand to a factory accident two years ago, plunging the family into desperate poverty. While his wife works at a school, earning a meager salary of INR 3000 (US$36) a month, it is still difficult to make ends meet. When UNITED SIKHS learnt of the family’s penurious condition, we immediately decided to sponsor the education of his daughter, presently in the 12th grade, as well as provide Gurmeet with a tricycle cart to sell vegetables at the village square.
The Girls that will Shine Bright
Hailing from families that simply lack the wherewithal to pay for their children’s education, several daughters have benefitted from Project Kirti. You are helping them earn a decent livelihood not only by equipping them with income-generating assets such as sewing machines, but also access to education.
Be it young female civil service aspirants or deserving girl students desirous of arming themselves with technical job-ready skills, Project Kirti has been helping them gain immediate, meaningful employment by funding vocational Diplomas, Google Certification Courses, and coaching for competitive exams.
You Paved their Path to a Better Life
Not one, but countless persons have been able to find a way toward a better life, all thanks to the support you have shown to Project Kirti.
Anti-Sikh riot victim 55-year old Jaskirat Singh* (name changed) from Jammu received an e-rickshaw, enabling him to earn a livelihood to support his family and get by in his sunset years.
With her course fees paid for, 23-year-old Arshdeep Kaur* (name changed), daughter of a daily-wage laborer, is currently fulfilling her dream of becoming a professional cosmetologist.
We are Not the Only Ones Who Say It is Special!
When you choose to make a gift toward the cause Project Kirti is espousing, you are doing more than promoting the essence of being a Sikhi in everyday life. Project Kirti is helping achieve a key sustainable development goal of the UN – to promote economic growth and full, productive, and decent employment for all.
You have done so much, but we know you aren’t done yet! You will help fulfill many more dreams and show countless others the path toward embracing a life of dignity and honor.
Jasleen Kaur
Recognize the Human Race as One