The People of Nepal Need Your HELP TODAY

Nepal, Kathmandu – Nepal has been hit with a devastating earthquake which has shaken the entire country to its core. The 7.8 magnitude earthquake has killed more than 3,326 people, displaced countless more and has completely torn at the fabric of the nation as scores of children have become orphans. The death toll is rising by the hour and many in the capital remain without food, water and electricity, as powerful aftershocks continue to shake the region. Dozens of people are also reported to have been killed in neighboring China and India.
In response to this immediate humanitarian crisis, UNITED SIKHS has initiated the Nepal Earthquake Relief Effort. This is the worst disaster that Nepal has been hit with in over 80 years and thousands have been left without food and water. Furthermore, many families have been evacuated and left without shelter and basic requirements for survival, forcing them to build shelter from wreckage. Communication systems have been interrupted, with telephone networks not functioning, leaving many areas inaccessible. Thousands of Katmandu’s residents have squatted on streets throughout the city because their homes have been destroyed or because the risk of continued aftershocks has left them in constant fear. Some have been taking up residence in schools, school playgrounds and government offices.
UNITED SIKHS has been in touch with Karnail Singh who has been a lead sewadar (volunteer) for Gurudwara Nanak Matt in Kathmandu. He stated, “Nobody has come to assist on the ground and we are looking to someone to come and hold our hands. Our people are sleeping on the streets! We look to UNITED SIKHS to assist in this time of dire need.”
The Nepal humanitarian aid and relief team will carry out work in the areas where aid assistance is most critically needed. Substantial assistance is needed to ensure that the death toll does not continue to rise and that people are rescued. Nepal is in desperate need of your help, time is running out and the city is devastated and lives are being lost day-by-day.
UNITED SIKHS asks its supporters for donations, in order to provide food, water, medical supplies and clothes to facilitate the relief effort.
Make a difference, make an impact, and make a change. Nepal is counting on us!
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