Press Release Sikh AID

Ukraine Refugee Mission Ramps Up!

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Dear Supporter,

The continuing devastation from the war in Ukraine has now displaced well over 2.5 million refugees with tragically countless casualties on a daily basis.

“Since we set up our base camp, some elderly women and kids have passed away while standing outside in the long lines at the border in Medyka (Poland). In addition, a number of kids have fallen sick due to long wait times (17 to 18 hours) in frigid cold conditions at the border areas.” – UNITED SIKHS volunteer from the United States

UNITED SIKHS has been coordinating all relief services from its base camp on the Polish side of the Ukraine border as new waves of refugees escape the war zone.

We now have a dozen volunteers from the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom who are on the ground providing cooked meals, water, and sanitation kits.

We need your urgent help in scaling up this operation to set up heated tents that can house upwards of 200 refugees at a time to protect vulnerable families from harsh weather conditions. Along with this important rescue effort, UNITED SIKHS food truck is serving over 2000 refugees every day and we plan to serve more in the coming days with your support.

First heated tent set up today at Ukrainian border for refugee shelter

A team of volunteers driving over 36 hours from the United Kingdom arrived today with supplies including: Power Generators, Water Pumps, Blankets/Quilts, Sleeping Bags, Sanitary Pads, Tents, Stove & Utensils, Radio Communications, Warm clothing, Socks and Gloves. We are thankful to Gurdwara Singh Sabha Derby, National Sikh Museum, and the World Sikh Parliament for their support.

UNITED SIKHS (UK) team volunteers leaving for Poland with emergency supplies for refugees

Our volunteers are reporting a very dire situation with children at high risk for losing their lives due to a deadly combination of starvation, cold temperatures and long treacherous journey to leave the war zone.



 Offer Your Support:

  • 100 Energy Bars: $50
  • 50 Dental Kits: $100
  • 125 Baby Milk: $1000
  • Sponsor a Meal for 2000 people: $4000
  • Sponsor Shelter with Heating for Over 200 People for a Full Month: $10,000


Donate on Our Ukraine Refugee GoFundMe Page

Donate on Our Website

We are thankful for your support and appeal for continued humanitarian donations in this moment of crisis.

Gurvinder Singh

International Humanitarian Aid Director

Recognize the Human Race as One


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