Press Release Sikh AID

UNITED SIKHS Director Honored as an “Outstanding Asian American in Business”

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Atlanta, GA, USA – Navneet Singh, UNITED SIKHS’ Director of Empowerment and Education, was recently honored by the Asian American Business Development Center (AABDC) as one of the “Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business”. This is the most prestigious Asian American business award program in North America. It highlights the contributions and successes of the top 50 Asian American entrepreneurs and senior level corporate executives, and recognizes their outstanding achievements in the field of business and their visionary community leadership.
Navneet, a Senior Management Consultant with Accenture LLP, is one of the youngest recipients and the first Sikh ever to win this award. He received the honor on June 16 at an awards dinner in New York City that was attended by more than 800 business, government and civic community leaders. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton was the keynote speaker and presented Navneet with the award for his outstanding leadership, vision and contributions to the Business world and in building and empowering communities as a corporate citizen leader. The award recognizes Navneet’s career, academic excellence as well as his entrepreneurial success and community leadership. Past honorees include CEO’s, Presidents and Senior Executives from Verizon, Citigroup, Colgate-Palmolive, Ernst and Young, Merck, Coca-Cola, Siemens, AXA, Merrill Lynch and Thomson Corporation etc.

Navneet Singh being honored with the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award

“We are appreciative of the many corporations that have recognized the contributions made by Asian American executives by nominating these individuals for the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business Award,” said John Wang, president, AABDC.
“I am indeed humbled and honored to be included in such a caliber of extraordinary recipients. The support I have received from the entire UNITED SIKHS team and the Sikh community was instrumental in me winning this award. It is indeed an accolade for the entire Sikh community to be proud of as it breaks norms, boundaries and reflects positively on the kind of people we all are in this amazing Sikh community,” said Navneet.
Navneet Singh has truly been an inspiration and at the forefront of leading and giving back during disaster tragedies. In 2005, the Year of Disasters, he actively participated in UNITED SIKHS humanitarian relief projects after the South Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina in the USA and South Asian Earthquake Relief.
“Navneet Singh’s accomplishment is well deserved and makes the entire Sikh community proud. His leadership and commitment would bring inspiration to many more to join us and support our humanitarian relief missions” said Mankanwal Singh, Director of UNITED SIKHS.
Last year, he spent over 3 months leading the volunteer team in the tsunami-destroyed areas on GHANAIA relief efforts in South India and Great Nicobar Islands. GHANAIA, which stands for Giving Humanitarian Aid Necessities Assistance Impartially to All (https://www.unitedsikhs.org/ghanaia/) is an international relief effort, established by UNITED SIKHS in 2003 to provide impartial, non-partisan aid and assistance to victims in disaster situations.

Navneet continues to contribute his efforts for the community centers set up by UNITED SIKHS in Campbell Bay-A&N Islands, Poonch-Kashmir and Richmond Hill-New York, which run empowerment programs.

UNITED SIKHS providing emotional support to Tsunami affected children

In the devastating tragedy of Hurricane Katrina in the US, Navneet helped the relief efforts in New Orleans by opening up relief shelters, preparing hot food and bringing much needed supplies to the evacuees. UNITED SIKHS worked together with the federal authorities to setup a full team of volunteers, including medical professionals who aided refugees that were sick or suffering in pain without medicines. https://www.unitedsikhs.org/katrina/
Recently, Navneet joined the UNITED SIKHS team to help survivors of the Asian earthquake in Kashmir. The volunteers assisted people of all faiths and provided high-altitude tents, woolen blankets, basic hygiene necessities and immediately gathered supplies at relief camps on both, the Pakistani and the Indian side of the affected areas. https://www.unitedsikhs.org/asianearthquake/

Rehabilitating lives at the hurricane Katrina relief shelters.

Navneet continues to contribute his efforts for the community centers set up by UNITED SIKHS in Campbell Bay-A&N Islands, Poonch-Kashmir and Richmond Hill-New York, which run empowerment programs.

To read about awards received by other UNITED SIKHS volunteers click:

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