United Sikhs Launch Aussie Farmers Drought Relief Program

In December 2018, in New South Wales, Australia, farmers are grappling with the aftermath of a seven-year drought that has severely impacted their crops, livestock, and income. Recently, a 24-hour period of rain provided a rare respite, but economists estimate that weeks of consecutive rainfall are needed to make a significant difference. The state has experienced historically low rainfall, with some areas receiving just 16 millimeters in the past six decades, and September was the driest ever recorded on the continent.

We aimed to support these farmers and their families during this critical time. The organization needed to deliver immediate relief while advocating for long-term solutions to sustain the local economy and improve the well-being of the affected communities.

UNITED SIKHS launched an elaborate relief program, focusing on drought relief in the towns of Loomberah and Tamworth after surveying over 60 farm properties and covering 1,215 kilometers. The Aussie Farmers Relief Program involves supplying water tanks and food to farmers in these regions. Additionally, UNITED SIKHS is working with stakeholders and government representatives to develop and implement long-term strategies to address the drought’s impacts.

The aid provided by UNITED SIKHS is crucial for maintaining the farmers’ ability to sustain their land and livelihoods. While the recent rainfall offers some hope, the severity of the drought means that crop production could be reduced by 50% or more in some areas, leading to potential famine and severe health consequences. UNITED SIKHS’ efforts are essential for supporting the local economy and ensuring the long-term well-being of farmers and their communities. The organization will continue to identify additional towns in need of support for future phases of relief assistance.

UNITED SIKHS quickly mobilized volunteers who sprang into action as soon as the storm passed. Earlier in the week, the volunteers delivered water and food to religious institutes in Orlando, Florida, to help distribute these essentials to the surrounding neighborhoods. They also coordinated with other organizations working toward Hurricane Irma relief efforts to maximize the impact. Additionally, UNITED SIKHS volunteers helped distribute ice to people in need, responding to the severe heat and humidity that exacerbated the situation in central and southern Florida.