UNITED SIKHS Providing Ukraine War Aid

From starting of the dreadful war between Ukraine and Russia, hundreds of students and residents of Indian origin found themselves stranded amidst the chaos. Many reached out to UNITED SIKHS for urgent assistance as they struggled to find safe passage, shelter, and basic necessities.

UNITED SIKHS immediately recognized the critical need to provide relief for these displaced individuals, especially students who had walked long distances with little to no resources. The organization needed to coordinate aid, ensure safe passage, and provide essential support to those affected.

Image received from students stranded and attempting to cross Ukrainian border.
UNITED SIKHS’ emergency relief teams sprang into action, working around the clock to respond to the emerging needs on the ground. They coordinated with governments of neighboring countries like Poland, Slovakia, Romania, and Hungary to secure safe passage for stranded students. Two female students were successfully evacuated to Poland, while hundreds of others awaited assistance. UNITED SIKHS also set up a virtual desk to respond to the needs of displaced residents from Punjab and South Asia, conducting needs assessments with refugee camps to monitor the situation and offer targeted aid.
Thanks to these efforts, a group of students was safely secured refugee status in Poland, and communication channels remain open for those still in need. UNITED SIKHS continues to provide ongoing support, ensuring that displaced individuals receive the assistance necessary to navigate these difficult circumstances.