UNITED SIKHS Rehabiliates Afghan Minority Refugees in Mexico

After months of legal advocacy, UNITED SIKHS’ International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy team was dedicated to helping Afghan minority refugees (Sikhs and Hindus) displaced by the conflict in Afghanistan find asylum. Many of these refugees faced danger, with limited options for resettlement and security.

UNITED SIKHS took on the challenge of securing safe asylum for these refugees. This required extensive coordination with foreign governments, legal advocacy, and mobilizing resources from donors and volunteers. The goal was to ensure that these refugees, preselected based on their urgent need for safety, would find a new home.

Through relentless efforts, UNITED SIKHS secured an agreement with the Mexican government to provide humanitarian asylum for 141 Afghan minority refugees. Recently, a pilot batch of refugees arrived in Mexico City, welcomed by local volunteers, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Mexican Consul in Abu Dhabi, who personally oversaw their safe arrival at Dubai Airport. The groundwork was laid for the refugees to begin their journey toward a secure future, with full support from UNITED SIKHS volunteers and staff.
This historic event is a testament to the power of collaboration between governments, volunteers, and donors. The first group of refugees has safely arrived in Mexico, and UNITED SIKHS is working tirelessly to bring the remaining refugees to safety. With continued support, we aim to raise $500,000 to cover travel costs, living expenses, vocational training, and resettlement support for all 141 refugees, ensuring they have a secure and prosperous future in Mexico.