Press Release Sikh AID


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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – UNITED SIKHS in collaboration with Global Sikhs, Malaysian Gurdwaras (Sikh place of worship), Sikh organizations and the Malaysian Buddhist Maha Vihara, will be sending critical aid and supplies to victims of the devastating cyclone Nargis (click on map above for more reports).
“We aim to send aid and supplies to previously inaccessible areas in Myanmar by chartering a vessel capable of carrying 300-500 tonnes of food and medical supplies,” said Mr Harbinder Singh, the project coordinator of UNITED SIKHS Myanmar Disaster Relief in Malaysia.

UNITED SIKHS, which had successfully carried out similar sea relief efforts to Aceh, in partnership with Global Sikhs, after the tsunami struck in December 2004, hopes to provide almost immediate disaster recovery to the victims of cyclone Nargis. The vessel will depart from Port Klang and is anticipated to arrive at its destination within 3-4 days; targeting areas cut off by road links and providing immediate relief to coastal areas.
The mission has received the full support and backing of the Embassy of the Union of Myanmar in Malaysia, with the Ambassador, His Excellency, U Tin Latt, and first Secretary Myat Thida Aye assisting to ensure the smooth transfer of supplies to the affected areas.

Myanmar Ambassador U Tin Latt with UNITED SIKHS Directors Harbinder Singh ( right) and Sunil Sukhvir Singh

The Embassy of the Union of Myanmar, in a statement issued today, acknowledged the efforts by the UNITED SIKHS Relief Mission. H.E. U Tin Latt said, “The contribution will be forwarded directly to the victims with collaboration between UNITED SIKHS, the Embassy of the Union of Myanmar and the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement of the Government of the Union of Myanmar”.
You may read the Ambassador’s letter of support at https://www.unitedsikhs.org/myanmarnargis/dloads/MyanmarEmbassy-LetterOfsupport.pdf
“We are working closely with Global Sikhs, Sikh Gurdwaras and the Buddhist Maha Vihara in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur to collect essential food, water and medical supplies. We welcome partnerships with any other community group or organisations. Members of the public interested in providing aid to the victims of cyclone Nargis are encouraged to donate basic food and medicine supplies,” Harbinder Singh said, adding that they can call him at 012 215 5966 or 012 268 9755.
Supplies for the shipment from Malaysia, are to be sent to the UNITED SIKHS Myanmar Disaster Relief Command Centre at the Sikh Gurdwara, No 15, Jalan Kg. Pandan, 55100, Kuala Lumpur (Tel: 012-215 5966 or 012 268 9755 and Fax 03 9287 0021).
A full list of critically needed supplies is available at https://unitedsikhs.org/myanmarnargis/malaysiasupply.php
Anyone who wishes to donate to the UNITED SIKHS Myanmar Disaster Relief project globally may do so online at www.unitedsikhs.org/donate or by sending a cheque payable to the nearest UNITED SIKHS office; details of which can be obtained at https://unitedsikhs.org/contact.php
UNITED SIKHS will be appointing an independent auditing firm to ensure transparency and proper management of all donations, and all accounts will be made public.
UNITED SIKHS had also sent relief missions in response to the Tsunami in Aceh, Phuket, Chennai and the Andaman Islands, and to Pakistan and India after the devastating earthquake in 2005 as well as earthquake in Indonesia in 2006. Other UNITED SIKHS Relief missions were to New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and to Florida after the tornado. UNITED SIKHS also provided relief during the Malaysian floods in 2006.
Note to Editor:
1) UNITED SIKHS – established in 1999 – is a UN-affiliated, international non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian relief, human development and advocacy organization, aimed at empowering those in need.
2) UNITED SIKHS is registered as a non-profit tax exempt organization in the USA; as a Registered Charity in England and Wales; as a non-profit organization in Canada; under the Societies Registration Act 1860 in Panjab and under the French Association Law 1901. NGO registration in Ireland and Malaysia is pending.
3) UNITED SIKHS has chapters in America, Asia and Europe which pursues projects for the social and economic empowerment of underprivileged and minority communities.
4) For background on UNITED SIKHS please refer to their website https://www.unitedsikhs.org
5) To read a previous press release on the UNITED SIKHS Myanmar Disaster relief efforts please visit https://www.unitedsikhs.org/PressReleases/PRSRLS-07-05-2008-01.htm

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