Urgent Calls for rescue from Afghan Sikhs and Hindus

In 2021, in the face of a rapidly escalating crisis in Afghanistan, the safety and well-being of ethnic minorities, especially Sikhs and Hindus, have been at great risk. With the country’s deteriorating security situation, families face perilous circumstances and an uncertain future, particularly in cities like Kabul and Jalalabad.

UNITED SIKHS, as a humanitarian aid organization, took on the responsibility of ensuring the safety and security of Sikh and Hindu families in Afghanistan. The goal was to provide immediate support, assess the needs of affected families, and coordinate efforts for their protection and possible evacuation.

UNITED SIKHS activated its emergency response teams to remain in constant contact with families and community leaders in Kabul and Jalalabad. Recognizing the urgency, the organization facilitated swift evacuations and ensured the resettlement of vulnerable individuals in safe environments. The organization provided real-time assistance to the 150 people taking refuge at Gurudwara Karte Parwan in Kabul, responding to their calls for help amidst the dire situation.

Through its rapid assessment and emergency response, UNITED SIKHS has been able to provide vital support to the Sikh and Hindu families in Afghanistan during one of the most challenging times. Their ongoing efforts have played a crucial role in safeguarding these communities, ensuring they have access to immediate assistance, and guiding them toward a more secure future.