UNITED SIKHS extends its relief efforts to Valencia, Spain after more than 200 people were killed in the floods, the worst in Spain for decades. Emergency workers are continuing to comb through underground car parks and tunnels in the hope of finding survivors and recovering bodies.

The flooding has caused significant damage to homes and infrastructure, leaving many residents struggling to recover, or on the verge of desperation for losing their properties and most importantly their loved ones.
UNITED SIKHS, a UN-affiliated, international humanitarian relief organization reached out to the City Government of Valencia on October 29, 2024, to express condolences to the victims of the flash flood and offer aid to the survivors. UNITED SIKHS’ Global Operations Director Gurvinder Singh laid down how the organization can help during these crucial times. The local government of Valencia through the City Council and the Mayor’s Office articulated gratitude for the solidarity extended by the organization, positively acknowledging it as an invaluable contribution in these difficult times for the City.

As of November 4, 2024, a group of local volunteers from the UK Chapter already mobilized, sharing hot meals and helping in the clean-up drives. Their ongoing efforts are a beacon of hope for Valencia’s residents, who face the difficult path of recovery and rebuilding after the destructive flooding.